First Name
Last Name
Who have you grown up with in your home?
Briefly describe your educational background and your feelings about it. Boarder? Day-scholar? Did you enjoy school or hate it, and why?
What are your favourite sports, what positions did you play (if relevant), and at what level (e.g. 1st team, social, provincial, national etc.)
List the sports or sporting activities that you would like to be involved in after school.
Describe your current hobbies or interests.
Do you have any spiritual beliefs or religious affiliation? Please describe briefly what you believe or don’t believe, or if you have not decided at this stage.
Describe your current time to run 3km
Describe any chronic health problems or injuries, and their current status.
List all medical drugs (prescription and other) that you are taking, or do take regularly.
Describe any allergies that you have, their severity and how they are managed.
Provide information regarding any disabilities you might have.
Provide information regarding any special dietary and/or food allergy issues you might have.
What kind of activities energise and excite you?
What kind of activities do you find boring and draining of your energy?
What are the three words that best describe who you are?
Describe your main objective(s) in coming to Quest?
Why should we choose you?
There are only 40 places on our course so we want to be sure that we are choosing the right young men. Please write a paragraph telling us why you should be one of the 32 young men we choose.